For Teenagers Living with a Parent Who Abuses Alcohol/Drugs by EDITH LYNN HORNICK-BEER
Welcome, Edith, to Books By My Friends. You write a self-help book for teens about an important topic. I’m looking forward to learning more about your teen/young adult nonfiction book For Teenagers Living with a Parent Who Abuses Alcohol/Drugs.
JH: What’s the blurb for your book?
EHB: For Teenagers Living with a Parent Who Abuses Alcohol/Drugs answers questions about alcoholism asked by teenagers. Included are: What causes alcoholism? Where can I get help? What do I do about the abuse? Should I stay at home? Where can I go? How can anyone expect me to concentrate in school? Why do I fight with my parents even when they are sober?
JH: What inspired you to write this book?
EHB: When writing my syndicated column, “The Young World,” the teens asked me to write about what it was like for some of them living in a home where a parent or parents suffered from addiction.
JH: What one thing do you love most about writing?
EHB: Doing research about important subjects and translating it into an interesting, easy-to-read format.
JH: What’s next for you in the way of writing/publishing?
EHB: a novel about a family who think that they all have an ordinary life until family secrets emerge
JH: How can readers contact you?
Edith Lynn Hornik-Beer is the author of four books. She has written for the major magazines and newspapers both here and abroad, and for many years she had a syndicated newspaper column, The Young World. She has appeared on many television and radio shows and has been invited to lecture at various colleges and universities including Long Island University and Chautauqua Institute.
Edith Lynn Hornik-Beer was born in Zurich, Switzerland and came to the United States as a young child. She feels growing up multi-cultured gave her more insights into life. When not skiing, hiking or swimming her favorite pastime is writing essays which have been published both here and abroad in such papers as The Sunday New York Times, Toronto Star, Denver Post, Berlin Tagesblatt, Neue Zurcher Zeitung. She loves teaching writing, lately as an adjunct at Colorado Mountain College. Her courses help students to see how writing can help you to understand life's trials. Her courses emphasize thought development and the importance of rewriting.
JH: Thanks for visiting BBMF today, Edith. Your work is inspiring! Please come back soon.
All good things,
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A very important topic. Good luck with the book!