Welcome to Books By My Friends, Jonathan! We are cohorts from graduate school, which makes me excited and thrilled to share your news. Here we go!
JH: What’s the blurb for your publication?
JD: From the publisher: What if the course of history had been changed by a different decision, a different victor, a different invention? Utopian stories and alternative history stories by H.G. Wells, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Castello Holford, and others are combined here with new stories by new writers from open submissions, exploring the variety and delight of alternative history to reimagine the world around us: What if the Ancient Egyptians had conquered Rome? What if World War II had been won by the loser, not the victors? What if women had ruled the world for 4000 years not men?
JH: What inspired you to write “The Savior of Worlds”?
JD: My short story, "The Savior of Worlds," appears in the Alternate History Short Stories anthology. I was inspired to write this story by the Hardcore History podcast episode titled The Destroyer of Worlds, which talked about the development and use of nuclear weapons. Dan Carlin, the host, mentions a Harvard law professor who didn't like the idea that the President of the United States had almost unilateral power to order a nuclear strike. Somewhat in jest, the professor suggested that the nuclear codes be embedded in the heart of an innocent man. To order an atomic strike, the president would have to murder the innocent man with his own hands, and experience to a small degree the horror of what he would soon inflict upon millions of innocent people. I started to think about what would happen if the United States actually decided to use this method of nuclear deterrence, and that is where this story came to life.
JH: What one thing do you love most about writing?
JD: Each time I sit down to write, I feel like I have nothing to say. This feeling is terrible, which is why I become exceptionally clever in avoiding writing. But when I do manage to overcome my fears and doubts long enough to sit down and face the blank page, and if I sit there long enough, I always find something to say. It feels like a small miracle every time ideas cross that vast interstellar region between wherever ideas come from and my feeble mind. It's my awe of that miracle that I love most about writing.
JH: What’s next for you in the way of writing/publishing?
JD: I have a thriller/mystery novel that I'm trying to publish and I'm also writing the sequel to that novel. When that book is done, I have a couple of ideas for mystery novels that I want to write.
JH: How can readers contact you?
Jonathan Davidson writes thrillers and mysteries. He has an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. He’s also a filmmaker and photographer for a medical school in Southern California. When he’s not writing, reading, or taking photos, he hikes California’s highest mountains, skis, camps, mountain bikes, and enjoys many other outdoor adventures. Please visit www.jonathandavidsonauthor.com to learn more.
JH: Thanks, Jonathan. I’m so happy for the publication of your short story. Please come back when you have news to share about the upcoming books.
All good things,
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