MY WRITEDAY Writing Tip Wednesday
“Marketing & Publishing Newsletters That Are Actually Helpful”
The query process is daunting, time consuming, and tedious. It takes stamina and perseverance to stay with it until either an agent or publisher says, “Yes!” or you decide to self-publish (a very respectable practice unless you pay to have your book published).
I developed query stamina and thick skin as a freelance writer when every query involved an actual letter typed on paper, an envelope, and a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope for the return response). I sent out hundreds of envelopes to magazines and publishers because that’s the way it was done. Email has considerably changed up the time factor in that responses are generally quicker, but even still, some replies are slow to come back. That’s okay.
My practice then and now is to have one query ready to go right back out to another publisher when someone declines the first approach. My stamina is pretty decent as I’m not ashamed to report that for one project 142 agents turned down one of my historical romance novels. I understand that this is a business proposal and my idea isn’t right for everyone.
Rejection? I shrug my shoulders and see who is next on my list of query potentials. Where do I get the list? I create it from hours of research. There are quite a few resources for help with finding the agents and publishers and their contact information. I have found the following to be consistent, helpful, and generally up to date in their content.
Funds for Writers Newsletter is operated by the talented author C. Hope Clark. Her research is impeccable. The newsletter is free and contains a variety of quality market listings from contests to residencies.
Authors Publish is also reputable and free to subscribe. They go into wonderful detail in their market listings which helps writers know who might be interested in their work.
I highly recommend both sites because they offer excellent support resources like articles and data bases you can’t find anywhere else. You can do your own internet search as well and find a plethora of listings.
What marketing and publishing resources have you used or recommend?
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My ideas are not ever meant as a substitute for consulting with a qualified health professional.
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Be well, write well!
Joy E. Held
Founder and CEO
My WriteDay Subscription Box
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I've used and Agent Tracker for easy searching for agents.
The stamina you speak of is what we all must develop. Thank you for your articulate statements about it. --Virginia