Monday, October 24, 2022
Inside this issue:
West Virginia Book Festival 2022
Dracula Week
Podcast Guest Appearance
Books By My Friends
October is National Reading Group Month
I had a wonderful time at the West Virginia Book Festival in Charleston, WV over the past weekend. I signed books, met new book friends, and was treated like royalty by my publisher Cathy Teets and Headline Books, Inc. Because this event has been on a COVID hiatus, I think that accounted for the low attendance numbers, but it was great to do an author event finally!
Because of the epistolary nature of the book, one of my all-time favorite novels is Dracula. I’m having “Dracula Days” this week on my Substack page to discuss this and that about this enduring work that seems to have everlasting life as movies, poems, plays, and more. I love teaching it and reading academic commentary about any aspect of Dracula. Join me here to add your two cents!
My good book friend Connie B. Dowell has graciously taken me under her wing to mentor me as a co-host on her popular writing podcast “Authoring Onward.” I’ve been a guest for AO twice and enjoyed it. I’d like to eventually have my own podcast. Connie agreed to show me the ropes as a co-host on her podcast. I’m loving the guests and what they share in the way of writing tips. Here is a link to my latest guest appearance where I talk about how and why authors need to create a discussion guide for their books. If you like to listen to podcasts when you’re walking or driving, I highly recommend “Authoring Onward.”
My regular blog series “Books By My Friends” runs every Thursday and some Tuesdays. Please drop by this week to find out about new publications from my book friends Kat Dow and Jim White. To be sure you don’t miss a BBMF post, the blog subscription form is on the webpage to the right.
October is National Reading Group Month. That’s partly why I did the podcast with Connie about reading group discussion guides. My questions for you are about your past experiences with book clubs.
What kind of book clubs have you participated in?
Was the experience positive, negative, or a combination of both?
How did the book club choose the books to read?
Please reply to this newsletter to share your thoughts.
Music I’m listening to while creating this newsletter “Monster Mash” by Bobby Boris Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers.
Happy fall, y’all,
I enjoyed both newsletters. I have read Dracula for my small book club and forgot it was a romance.
There's another vote for romance! Thanks, Barb!