This is my annual holiday open call for Books By My Friends where you can tell my readers about your MIDDLE GRADE FICTION book IN THE COMMENTS BELOW. (Watch for other genres over the next few days.)
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*short blurb
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Sunflower Sisters
When JuJu’s dad inherits property in Nowhere, Virginia, he agrees to the stipulation to live there for twelve months. Little does his family realize they are destined to fall in love with this quirky, storybook town.
A secret Autistic sister, a crazy rooster, and a blind psychic minister. What’s not to love?
Read more about Lisa's books on
*book title
Summer of L.U.C.K.
*short blurb
Laura Segal Stegman's middle grade trilogy of books from Young Dragons Press, all set at a summer camp, begins with Summer of L.U.C.K. (2022), which introduces Darby (11), Naz (10), and Justin (12), three struggling kids who find their way to self-acceptance with the help of Leroy Usher, a ghost who haunts a magical carnival. Its sequels are Ready or Not (2023) and The Chambered Nautilus (2024).
*buy link if you have one
*special notes you think readers should be aware of
Visit for more on the Summer of L.U.C.K. trilogy